Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Post 4

Have you ever succumbed to peer pressure? And do not even try to lie about the fact. It happens to everyone. Every last person in the world has experienced peer pressure and more than once have they caved into it. Even though we would probably tell ourselves, "I will not let it happen again, I will not let it happen again." It happens. Peer pressure is UNAVOIDABLE. The best thing to do is not even follow along with whatever your friends say. And besides that side note, the quote I chose is: "You just have to do your own thing, no matter what anyone says. It's your life." by Ethan Embry.

I believe this quote screams independence and the ability to make your own choices. So many people in the world will get in your way and tell you what you can or can not do. But ultimately one should follow the rules of one, which if you did not get the hint meant yourself. Although a lot of what I am asking for might seem rebellious, that is not really the point I am trying to make. You do not want to be so rebellious not even your own parents can control you like the little brat from Where the Wild Things Are. Now that was a very out-of-control kid. Parents should always have control over their kid, that is one of the reasons they are here on Earth anyways, was to raise us right so we could pass on the cycle to our kids.

Back to my point. We were all put here on Earth, some find a reason for being here while others never find that reason and then die. Not the point. The point is that you lived out your life. No one should ever ask or tell you how your life is because it is not any of their concern. Since the day we were all born, we received a life. That is one of the greatest gifts of life because you can go and choose whatever you want to do with it. Go ahead, you could waste away your life, in my opinion, I see nothing wrong with doing that. If it is how you choose to live your life then I am in total awe and respect that you even had the courage to choose what you are going to do with your life. Your life is your life and you and ONLY you should be the one to make decisions that affect it. Although this might seem kind of childish, I hate my friends that tell me what I can or can not do. I realize they are only trying to "look out for me" or "try to keep me safe" and I do appreciate the care a lot, trust me. But I do not want to be told how to live my life. If such friends tell me to not even act myself because it could be a threat to such trivial things as my reputation then who do you think you are? Wow that was a mouthful to say. And this was a real stream-of-consciousness passage. Well basically, those people who tell you how to live your life are not good friends. I believe anyone and everyone should have the right to go out and do anything they want if it is humane and not in harm of other human beings. And do not ever let anyone get in the way of your dreams when you could be missing out on an amazing opportunity. After all it is your life and only yours. So why should you let anyone else in the world take control of it? Do not be ashamed and go get a life. Haha corny. Like none of my passages haven't been...


  1. I believe in your quote all the way. It’s sad how people (mostly kids) are suckered in to doing something they don’t want to do, all because of peer pressure. People don’t seem to realize that they won’t die if they don’t follow the crowd, and that everyone was given their own life for a reason, to live it out their own way.

  2. I completely agree with you and the quote! Living your life the way you want to live it can be challenging sometimes, peer pressure gets in the way. It’s easy to fall under peer pressure; it’s more of a challenge to not and just do what you want to do. We only live once right?

  3. I really enjoyed your quote and corniness. Hahaha. I do agree with you, especially about the friends part because if my friend wants to go do something that I do not think is a good idea, I am not going to stop them, I am just going to allow them to do them, but if something goes wrong then I am always there if they need someone. I would rather make my own mistakes than follow someone else and make their mistakes. I was given my own life for a reason and it wasn't for anyone to dictate what I should and shouldn't do.

  4. Peer prssure isnt always negative, but nowadays no one is orrinal because they are peered pressured. Why would anyone want to be the follower, when they can be the leader? There are very few of us (teenagers) who dont care about what people think and just go out and do what we want. I loved your quote and your response to it.

  5. Being yourself is a pretty big risk. Those who are able to step outside completely as they are are truly the boldest of souls. Even the most confident of us will hide thing from the rest of the world. It takes a certain quality to be able to be themselves, I have yet to figur it out though.
