Monday, May 21, 2012

Post 3

Have you ever had the mindset to complete the impossible and have it actually happen in the end? Well, I know that would probably be an amazing confidence boost. However my quote is one that can go both ways it's: "Whether you think you can or can't, you are usually right." by Henry Ford.

This quote actually made me reminisce to the AP English test. For those of you who took the AP English test, you would know what I am talking about. The free-response essay had the topic of "Ambition vs. Doubt". Personally and being an optimist, I took the side of ambition which is something I do live by and motivates me to wake up in the morning.

Having the ambition and the mindset to go out and accomplish the impossible is an amazing feat. I do believe if one can actually commit and devote their mind to a very far-fetched goal, they do have the choice to achieve what they want. No matter who prevents you from reaching your goal, do not let them stop you for they are bad influences. Any friend or family member should always be in support of what you do. They have the right to believe whatever they want to believe but should trust and support you and your dreams in the end. So, personal motivation and ambition should receive support from the outside world and a belief on the inside that you can achieve what you want and think you can.

I have been pondering whether I would get the grades I wanted lately. To a truthful conclusion, my grades are in fact satisfactory at the moment. But ever since freshman year started, towards the end of the school year I would worry about my grades. Beginning of the school year I would breeze through with no worries but towards the end I would have various nervous breakdowns. It would come to my mind that I could have done better than my grades currently received but I never actually realize the fact until it is too late. I lost my ambition the beginning and mid school year and never got it back towards the end of the year. To a certain extent I kinda regret my whole high school career because I look back and say to myself: "Man I could have done way better if I really set my mind to do it.” But I think I got too stuck in the limelight of the whole thought of “high school”. I mean you only go through it once so make the right decisions. To this very day right now however, I have learned to accept what is reality and what has passed is in the past. I remember my mom always telling me “What has happened has happened and all you can do is move on from it.” Although this is sidetracking from the original quote, it gave me new insight that I should not dwell on the past but look more towards the future and create ambition and thought for what will come. I can not go back and fix the past but I can improve the future by having the motive to do well in the present. Writing this essay has actually given me an incentive and I hope I can better my present to create a greater future.


  1. I totally agree with you and with the quote you chose. I’m usually right about whether I can or can’t do something, but I find that when I am optimistic about something I usually achieve it. I like the example you chose about school because almost everyone thinks that they could’ve done better when they look back on their grades. But, as you put it, it’s better to keep moving and not dwell on the past. Overall, it was a very nice post and I really enjoyed it.

  2. I completely agree with your post! It’s interesting because I wrote on a similar topic as well, that no matter what you yourself are your own limitations basically. It’s true that whether you believe you can do something, you can’t just “think” about it, you have to get up and take action and if you don’t take action then you basically believe that you can’t do it.

  3. I like how you related thi to the ap test, that many of us took because it relates to the majority of us. I also try to be pretty optimistic about life. I too also feel like I could have done somethinggs better, but the thing is that people can not go back in time to change something, so it is just better to move on. I really do agree with you because there is no reason to reminisce about the past.

  4. I could have sworn that it was Certainty vs doubt. I will agree that ambition is a very good thing because without a drive for something there would be no point to anything I just think people should be blinded by it.
