Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post 1

The quote, "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."  by James Dean is the perfect example of Carpe Diem. Even though it seems like the typical quote a person might hear about life, it says and can mean a thousand words for me. No one will ever life forever, first of all, it's physically not possible and second of all, why would anyone ever want to? I am pretty sure you would run out of activities to do in the world along with thoughts to think about. Isn't that what Ernest Hemingway had done? If I remember correctly, Hemingway had ended up committing suicide because he had done anything and everything he had wanted to do in life. So, I guess living life too much and too fast would be a relatively entertaining life but there could be those consequences of getting bored in the end and not having anything left to do in life because you had already done it. That is a possible thought to imagine but I never saw the world like that. Any new day makes a new experience and I have yet to figure out each new one. In actuality and in terms of my actual discovery of my experiences I would probably be at age three not even knowing what the world outside my house and daycare center is like. Experiences are great learning tools for the future. Even though I like and prefer good memories over bad ones, the bad ones seem to teach a lesson better than the good ones. Because we would always tell ourselves to "be careful and not let it happen again" because we don't like to be sad. Of course, I am an optimist so what else do you expect out of me? Oh, and back to my quote. If I could describe my quote in one word I would say: fearless. The whole point of Carpe Diem is to live every day as if it was your last so why not take the chance every once in a while? Going for those opportunities that could only appear once in life are something to be happy, to be proud of. And even though it might be dangerous for some events to take place, just go ahead and go for it if it isn't life-threatening. After all, it would probably just be another chapter in your life. Although my words seem to be advice or almost commands for someone to think about, I more intended my words to sound like my philosophy on life. There is a whole world out there to be explored and perhaps Ernest Hemingway just got bored with himself but there is no way he could have done all he had wanted to do in life. After all, my favorite song is "You Only Live Once" by The Strokes or the dreadful "YOLO" phrase for those Drake fans. You do only live once so why not enjoy your life? Why not just have fun while you can and live life to its fullest before you kick the bucket? And who knows when that would be? 15 years? 11 months? 6 weeks? Or maybe even 1 day? Pretty scary to think about but that's why we should be happy for life and not waste time on idle play things because there is so much to do than mope around like a sloth. I apologize for the "rant"  but life is just too short at times...


  1. Wow great post! I think you are right most people should live up to those expectations because you never know what going to happen. Life is just full of surprises.(: I like how you get off topic but not so off topic that It still somewhat ties back to the quote. Although “you only live once” is a good phrase, I don’t think it’s being expressed in the right terms, for example many people use that as an excuse to do idiotic things like begin disruptive in class or abusing drugs or such, but in my opinion “you only live once” should be applied to doing something that’s actually going to make a difference in life and have a positive outcome on it. But overall I think that many people should live by that quote because as you said “we should be happy for life and not waste time.”(:

  2. You chose a really great quote to write about and its meaning is one that we hear all the time but, sadly, don't practice as often as we should. The message of your post was clear - live life now, right now, because it can be taken from you at any moment. People may say "YOLO", but living as if you'll die tomorrow does not equate to doing every reckless thing imaginable because you don't think there'll be any consequences. Live each day so that you can look back on what you've done and smile and say, "If I died now, I would be alright."

  3. Marisa! You are so right! Who would want to live forever? There would be no joy in that. Forever is…well forever, and in that time, you could do everything you ever wanted to do, and many times at that. But after awhile it would get boring. You would have nothing else to do. It’s sort of like rich people, they have all the money in the world, and they can have whatever they want. But what happens after you have everything? There would be nothing to strive for, or to look forward to. That would be BORING! But anyways great post mija!

  4. Wow you chose an amazing quote that everyone should live up to! People spend their lives in a box, maybe even never getting out of their box to go and explore. Life really is too sort to not go out and take risks and basically just have fun. Yes the dreadful "YOLO" that Drake fans love uses is annoying to see on social networks but in the end the concept is true. You only have one chance to live life so take advantage of that. I want to live a life that, when it comes down to me dying I can look back and say " Wow, I had an amazing life and I don't regret a thing!" Living life to it's fullest is my goal.In no way will I ever think back and see a boring life.

  5. So many people can relate to this! Great job! A lot of people go about their days complaining over this or that, kind of waste of time, I know I do that sometimes haha. But instead we should live our life to the fullest and make the best of everything, while learning from our experiences.

  6. This is so true, you never know what could happen, so it is always best to live out your life. I like how you incorporated your own personality when explaining because it kept my attenetion and made. I do agree that no one should want to life for forever because after doing everything that you can think of to do,there is absolutely nothing for you to achieve. Life is all about having dreams and goals, but if you have reached all of them, then you have nothing to look forward to the next.

  7. Your post is so true and is easily relatable by many people. A lot of people take life for granted and don’t live it to the fullest because they will always have “tomorrow, or the day after that, or even the day after that”. Life is a precious thing and most people don’t realize that until they are lying on their death beds. Everyone should try to live by the quote you chose because you never know when a moment can be your last. Nice reflection and great post.
